Summer Nights

I’m lucky enough to be part of a collective of yarn artists, Derbyshire Dyers, who run a monthly market night on Facebook with exclusive, unrepeatable colours.

This month market night is nearly here (8pm, July 30th) and I’m working hard to get some fabulous new colours out of the kitchen and ready to be turned into beautiful knitted or crocheted works of art.

One of my favourite things about working alongside other yarn artists is how sharing colours, techniques and inspiration can stimulate the imagination and that ability to be able to bounce ideas off like minded individuals leads to a supportive community. I also love to see how different people respond to the same stimulus, in this case the phrase ‘Summer Nights’. It’s fascinating to get a fleeting glance into the mind of an individual and to discover a tiny facet of what makes their soul tick. I can’t wait to see what Suzanne and Carrie have in store.

Summer Nights for me conjures up feeling of freedom, adventure, exploration and that anything is possible. Growing up in northern England the nights always seemed to stretch out forever and there’s always a healthy dose of nostalgia that accompanies it of family holidays in Scotland (and later a summer spent in Aberdeenshire) where it never seemed to get dark. Of course the musician in me can’t help set this all to a killer soundtrack of infectious, joyous music that you can’t help but shed all inhibitions and dance your heart out too.

With all this in my head, there was only one way to go, to take my inspiration from a beloved film that encapsulates all these emotions in one summer holiday, set to a killer soundtrack…

Please welcome the first of my Summer Nights Market Night colours inspired by the one and only Dirty Dancing!image1 (14)

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